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The Best Funnel Mapping and Tracking Software to Plan High Converting Sales Funnels

If you’re in charge of managing your own sales funnels, you’ll know that it can be a bit complicated. With so many different tools out there, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right one for your unique needs.

That’s why we put together this list of the best sales funnel planning and mapping tools on the market today! We hope that this helps streamline your workflow and improve conversion rates.

To start with, what exactly is a funnel mapping and tracking software?

Sales Funnel Mapping is a simple process that allows you to map out your sales and marketing funnels, helping you to visualize all of your marketing efforts & campaigns.

Plus, you can even create visual reports of which areas are performing the best for you in terms of conversions. You’ll also be able to view everything in a timeline! 

This way, you can see which steps are converting the most for you and how each step contributes to the sales funnel and its revenue. 

Why is it important to map a funnel before building it?

Sales funnels are a complex mix of pages, email sequences, chatbots, text messages, phone calls, and a whole lot more. 

Every sales funnel is different. Every type of businesses have different customer profiles and they might use various  products at different stages of the buying process. Understanding these factors before starting to build a funnel is vital to make it effective and successful.

There are four stages that a potential customer goes through when they buy something. There is typically an awareness stage, which includes researching products or services and comparing prices. 

This is followed by the consideration phase, where customers formulate their opinion of products or services before making any decision on whether or not they want them. Then there is the conversion phase which happens when customers actually purchase items from the website. Finally, there is the post-sale phase where customers receive their goods and may post reviews about your product or service. 

A combination of all these phases must work in sync in order to get the best conversion rates for your business. When not planned properly, it could end up in a huge mess and cause massive losses on your ad spend. 

This is where mapping a sales funnel can be so important. It makes sure that every step of the campaign is in the right place and all of your team members are in the knowledge of how the campaign is going to be run before it goes live. 

Once a marketing campaign is live, it can be very difficult to make major changes and hence mapping can save you and your team a tremendous amount of time.

If anything goes wrong in the funnel, then it would be easy to identify and fix the problem as you have a visual representation of it, having mapped the whole funnel earlier. This can be done without affecting any other part of the funnel which is quite important in a campaign that gets hundreds or thousands of visits a day. 

Importance of Tracking the Funnel once the Campaign is Up and Running

In order for your funnel to perform well consistently and provide you with good returns, it is a good idea to keep optimizing it based on the numbers. 

Tracking your funnels will give real-time data on your campaigns. It will help you with optimization, finding the issues, and knowing what to improve on. For example, if you find that a certain campaign is not not gathering as many email addresses as you would like, this can be an indication that the landing page needs improvement.

A sales funnel can be monitored by using Google Analytics, but dedicated funnel tracking tools do a much better job as it is easy to view the numbers and tweak the funnel based on it. A/B testing will also help you understand which content resonates better with customers and optimize accordingly.

You can also easily track the performance of your sales funnel on a single dashboard. This way, you will have a visual representation of your funnel and the numbers involved to easily perceive the data. 

Factors to Consider while Mapping a Funnel

It is important to consider the below points while mapping out your funnel,

1. Define the goal of the funnel,

2. Define the buyer’s journey and pinpoint your target audience,

3. Map out the customer’s buying process from awareness, interest, decision, purchase to advocacy,

4. Map out ways for you to reach them and what channels will work best for them,

5. Pinpoint the critical bottlenecks where there is a high chance of churn or the prospect dropping out of the funnel,

6. Corrective measures or alternative channels to reach customers who have churned or dropped out,

7. How to scale the campaign to a larger audience size once the campaign returns a positive ROI,

8. Upsell, downsell, and cross-selling opportunities to increase the overall lifetime value of each customer,

9. The different channels of customer support that can be offered.  

10. The review generation process that is planned and how it is going to be executed with a strategy on tackling negative reviews, if any. 

Best Software Tools to Map and Track your Sales Funnels

Now that we have why mapping a sales funnel matters for your business and the importance of it, we will have a look at the best software tools you can use to do it effectively. 

Let’s get right into it. 


We at MarketPlan believe that a software that tracks and maps funnels needs to be built with not only the buyer journey in mind, but also the marketer’s journey in mind, and that is why we have incorporated (and continue to incorporate) many features not found in other platforms.

Below are some of the standout features of MarketPlan that make it a complete solution to map and track your funnels. 

  • MarketPlan is a truly all-in-one planning, mapping, and tracking solution that lets you map every part of your funnel and track the real-time numbers after the campaign is live. 
  • A lot of mapping templates available for different types to funnel that provides you a headstart to work with. 20 high-converting templates are available currently and new templates are being added into the funnel vault in the future.
  • Projection of how well the funnel will perform where you can input your target numbers and compare it with the live tracked numbers to get an idea of how it is actually performing and how much improvement is required. It is also possible to have all your product information and pricing details within MarketPlan.
  • Tracking of visitors, leads, sales, and revenue numbers. At any point, you can switch between the Live, Plan & Off modes to make the necessary changes. 
  • Easy set up of real-time tracking with real-time analytics, data and overview of the stats. 
  • Email sequence builder with text editor, conditions, delays, and actions, to have all your email copy written and stored right inside MarketPlan.
  • Built-in team collaboration to work on your funnels and campaigns with your team members and clients. You can also assign specific tasks to a selected individual in your team.
  • Built-in Notes Module to have all your short and handy notes with regards to your campaigns for a quick reference at a glance.
  • Blog sequence planner to have all your blog posts written inside MarketPlan. Particularly useful for Content Marketing & SEO agencies to easily manage content for multiple clients. It is possible to add rich content like images.
  • Ad Set Module to have all your ad content within MarketPlan and keep it organized. Supports all major ad networks. You can have all the media content related to the ad, project revenue, price of the product, etc. for easy reference. 
  • Project Management features with Kanban boards where you can assign cards for individual team members for effective task management. 
  • Built-in Keyword Planner where you have all the data of your target keywords with details on average search volume, competition, bid value, links, etc. 
  • Team chat where you can chat with your team members in real time and collaborate effectively. 
  • Built-in white labeling for agency accounts capability making it a perfect fit for marketing agencies to improve their branding with a custom branded domain and user interface. All you need to do is add a CNAME to your DNS settings and within just a few minutes you can have a completely branded tool for your agency. You can also add your own logo and customize the login page as well to instantly wow your clients. 
  • Built-in image and video collaboration where you can work as a team on designing of graphics and images making it an excellent solution for graphic design agencies. 
  • Built-in Task Module to manage all the tasks of yourself and your team members for each project. 
  • Directly integrates with major payment providers like Stripe, PayPal to give you accurate tracking and revenue numbers. 
  • An excellent free plan where you can use all the templates, mini apps to test MarketPlan before committing to a paid plan. 
  • Affordable payment plans with the starting plan costing just $9 per month for mapping & planning and $29 per month for funnel tracking. Even the highest Agency plan that gives you white labeling capabilities starts at only $79 per month making MarketPlan the cheapest option to map & track your funnels. 
  • High page view limits on tracking with the Pro plan (starting at $29 per month) giving you access to 10,000 page views and the Agency plan bumping it to 50,000 page views per month. 
  • (Limited Lifetime Deal Available in addition to standard pricing)
  • Custom team and client permissions to have the full control of your account. You can enable or disable access to editing plans, managing plans, adding new members, removing members, managing projects, team chat, etc. 
  • Daily backup of ad copy, videos, images, chat conversation, email sequences, and blog posts in our server to give you complete peace of mind when it comes to your data.
  • Live chat support available to contact the team at any time to get your queries and problems solved. 
  • An active development and support team with a lot of new features planned in the next phases of releases including complete task management, CRM & pipelines, mobile apps, etc. 
  • A public Roadmap and Changelog to keep all the customers informed on the features that are planned, being built on and recently released. 
  • A community of Marketers and Entrepreneurs with whom you can share and get ideas on how to best use MarketPlan for your business. 


Funnelytics is another well known tool in the funnel mapping & tracking space that has a good array of features including complete mapping and tracking of funnels with live tracking data. 

You can run projections as well when you input your target data. It also has a good range of templates to choose from to start mapping the funnels. 

Team collaboration is supported as well to collaborate on projects and workspaces. 

When it comes to pricing, it is not displayed publicly and you have to schedule a demo to try the tool. However, based on their earlier pricing strategy, it will most likely be more expensive than what we offer at MarketPlan. 

Cons of Funnelytics compared to MarketPlan

  • Much more expensive compared to MarketPlan.
  • No white-labeling possible making MarketPlan a much better option for agencies.
  • Team chat is not available although you can collaborate with team members to map & track the funnels. 
  • Free plan is directly not available to sign up on the website and try the tool.
  • No project management or Kanban boards available.
  • No blog sequence builder.
  • No email sequence builder.
  • No Image and video collaboration.
  • No LTD Available


Geru is another funnel mapping tool that has a decent array of templates and supports running simulations and forecast your target performance. 

You can build different scenarios with various target numbers and run a comparison of the funnels based on the number you input. 

However, Geru does not support funnel tracking and you need to use an additional third party tool to track the live analytics. 

With regards to pricing, there are three plans ranging from $37 per month to $149 per month depending on the number of projects, team members, and client accounts. They also have two LTD prices available for $67 and $164.

Cons of GERU compared to MarketPlan

  • No live tracking of funnels. You can only map the funnels and run projections.
  • More expensive than MarketPlan even without the tracking features. 
  • No free plan. You have to purchase the tool if you want to try it.
  • No project management or other planning features available like Kanban boards, blog sequence & email sequence builder.  
  • White labeling is possible only for the reports and no custom domain support. 
  • No image collaboration.


One of the main advantages of InfluencerSoft is that in addition to mapping of funnels, you can also build the funnels within the tool. 

You can also set up email marketing inside InfluencerSoft to have all the components of your marketing run on it. 

Cons of InfluencerSoft compared to MarketPlan

  • No project management features.
  • No blog sequence builder.
  • No Image and video collaboration.
  • No free plan or free trial available. 
  • No live chat support. 


We have seen in detail why it is important to map and track your funnels and the best tools you can use to achieve it.

Each tool has its pros and cons, and this is not intended to be a comprehensive view at each software in-depth, but an overview of what you can expect when exploring the options for funnel mapping and tracking.

If you would like to take another step that won’t cost you anything, try MarketPlan today and decide for yourself which software is the best for you!

Feature Post Marketing Tips

Plan Before You Launch You Big Marketing Idea (With Free PDF Guide)

Good and efficient marketing can make or break a business venture. Whether it is through branding, marketing campaigns, or social media, a successful marketing initiative will benefit a company’s bottom line significantly. 

When it comes to startup businesses and small business owners seeking to expand their market share, smart planning can give you the edge you need over your competitors.

A decent product with good marketing will have a better chance of success than an excellent product with poor marketing. 

This article will cover the importance of planning and strategy prior to launching a new campaign for your small business.

For your marketing to be successful, it is vital that you do a few things properly right from the beginning of your business venture. Let’s us see some of those here,

Be clear on the type of Business you want to start

It is crucial to the success of the venture that the type of business you want to start matches your strength, passion, and experience. 

There are several ways you can try to start a business. It can be an e-commerce online store, a digital marketing agency, a consultancy firm, an affiliate marketing blog, a software start-up, etc. 

The opportunities are wide and endless. However, it is crucial to choose the right one for you that you would enjoy putting consistent work into. 

If you are good at writing, a blog makes perfect sense, if you have expertise in a very targeted niche a consultancy is a fantastic option, if you have many local businesses to serve in your locality a digital marketing agency might be a perfect choice. 

Do a self-study of yourself and pick the right business model that you can commit to.

Validate your Business Idea

An honest and proper validation of the business idea is something many entrepreneurs fail to do and pay the price for it later. 

Many new start-ups and small businesses also fail to identify the right problem they are trying to solve. 

Before starting a new venture, it is important that you understand your target audience. Understand who you want your product or service to appeal to and be designed for.

If it is a software product, do a pre-launch of the beta version and gauge market interest, and tweak the pricing to get it right. If you are launching an online course, collect feedback from your existing audience and make sure they will be willing to pay the price you demand that the quality of content you provide deserves.

In the case of a services or a consultancy firm, you can use the following points to validate the idea and improve it further by asking your initial clients or students, 

  • What did they like or dislike about your services?
  • What did they think about the approach you used to solve their problem?
  • Did they have any suggestions for improving the quality of your service?
  • Were they satisfied with the outcome of your service? If not, what is missing? Is there something that can be done to provide them with that solution?

If you are planning an e-commerce store, run a pre-launch at a heavily discounted price and get the below feedback as detailed as possible,

  • How did they react to the quality of the product?
  • Did they like it or not? Why? Would they recommend it to their friends and family?
  • Did they find any flaws in the product before purchasing it? If so, what are they and how can they be fixed?
  • Did they have any suggestions regarding the packaging and the delivery of the product?
  • How are your customers using that particular product and how does it affect their lives in general? This is a simple way of getting customer feedback. It does not require any detailed research or huge efforts. 

Also, as a general thumb rule, run the below checklist while validating your business idea,

  • There is enough demand in the market for the product or service at the price point you are planning,
  • Competitors Analysis – There is enough room to grow the business even if the competition becomes bigger and fierce,
  • Availability of sufficient marketing budget to reach the target audience either by advertising or content marketing,
  • Availability of sufficient funds in case the revenue and profit targets are not met in the first one or two years of the business. 
  • Ability to hire the right people when needed and the availability of a competent workforce in the market at the right price.

In addition to all of this, if you would like to further validate your big idea, we have created a free pdf questionnaire that you can use in your business!

Plan and write down a detailed path for 0 to 100K, 1M in Revenue. 

Generating revenue and profits are an integral part of starting a business venture. However, writing a detailed plan with the target revenue numbers is so vital as it makes it easier to determine how many milestones that you need to hit in specific periods in order to achieve the overall target. 

Having a detailed plan helps to execute the strategy and make sure you are on the right track. It also helps in self-motivation and keeping your morale up.

The early success of your business can easily boost your morale, which is crucial in tough times, but you need to see past that. A failed business venture can make you lose motivation and lose sight of the bigger picture. 

A detailed business plan will help you stay focused and stay motivated even through tough times.

The business plan should comprehensively cover the below five aspects of your business to achieve this revenue target,

  • Your product or service,
  • Market research and Competitor analysis,
  • The audience that are potential customers of your product or service,
  • The sales process that will be implemented to achieve the target revenue,
  • After-sales customer service and how to implement it effectively.

So, once you have decided on the business type based on the market research, your product, and validated it, the next vital step is to come up with the marketing idea to promote it among your target audience. This is so crucial that it could make or break your venture.

The below factors will play a huge part in determining your marketing plan,

The size and type of your target audience

Based on your business type, your target audience will vastly differ. The audience for B2B business is completely different to a B2C business like e-commerce. 

In the case of B2B, the sales process might take longer compared to B2C as the average lifetime value of each customer is much higher. It is important to be patient and build your brand and trust in the customer’s mind and turn the awareness stage of the funnel to the purchase stage. 

If it is a B2C product or service, it can involve a lot of impulsive buying. Therefore, it is crucial that you do a thorough market research on the demographics, geographical location and also the buying behavior of your target audience. 

Your marketing plan will be a lot more effective if you understand how each segment behaves.

How a detailed marketing plan can help your business

Once you start your business, you will have to face lots of challenges which will be difficult to manage. Once you are in the midst of the struggle, without a clear marketing plan, it becomes hard to make the right decisions and make any adjustments. 

A well-written marketing plan will help you in determining how much resources should be spent on its development and what are the key areas that need to be attended to in order to make it successful.

The main reason why a proper marketing plan is important is because it helps to keep an eye on expenses and tracks progress of different tasks.

You must know where you are now, where you are going to and how you’ll get there. Think about the following points before writing your marketing plan. It’ll help to make more sense of your business and how it works:

  • Where are you now?
  • What do you need to reach that next level?
  • Where does it take you? What’s the path from here to there?
  • How will that affect what you do now and in the future?
  • Why should an investor invest in your company or hire a worker and vice versa?. A clear view on this question will help at every stage of the planning process.

Tools you can use to Define and Execute your Marketing Plan

For your marketing plan to be effective in the longer run, it is imperative that you use the right tools for it. The initial marketing plan is not going to be perfect and you will have to adapt and tweak it over time. Hence, putting in the time and effort initially to decide on the right tools would definitely give you some leverage in your business later on.

You can ask your co-founders or team members to get together and discuss what each of you is capable of doing. Once you have put everyone’s expertise into account, you can decide on the marketing strategy and the mediums & tools to be used.

You will have to keep checking on the marketing plan once it is implemented as well. You need to make sure that it is achieving its defined goals and keep optimizing it for maximum effectiveness.

Let’s have a look at some of the tools that can be of help,

  • MarketPlan

Regardless of the type of business you want to start, MarketPlan can help accomplish a variety of aspects in successfully detailing your marketing plan and implementing it. 

Below are just some of the things you can do with MarketPlan,

  • Plan and map out your complete marketing and sales funnel with details on every traffic source, outreach & social media channels, 
  • Collaborate with your team members in the mapping process via internal team chat,
  • Forecasting the performance of your sales funnel with expected numbers,
  • Track your marketing funnel with real-time data and numbers once it is live,
  • Comparison of forecasted and real-time data to measure the effectiveness of your marketing & sales funnel to optimize it. 
  • Plan all your blog posts, chatbot sequences, and email sequences right within MarketPlan.
  • Manage all your projects with a built-in Kanban.
  • Collaborate on image designs and videos.

The above features would cover all of your activities in your marketing plan and help you implement the plan in the most efficient manner. 

  • Google’s Free Tools

There are so many free tools that Google provides you that helps you in each aspect of implementing your marketing plan. Let’s have a look at some of it,

  • Google Analytics – The all-in-one analytics tool that helps you track all the key KPIs like, your traffic, the revenue generated by each of your sites and so on. You also get to see the visitor demographics such as the age group etc.
  • Google Search Console – A tool that helps you in knowing how your site has been ranked and discovered on Google.
  • Google Adwords – The native advertising platform of Google that you can use to advertise your product or service on the world’s biggest search engine,
  • Google Trends – Helps you analyze the latest trends in your niche based on the searches made in Google. 
  • Social Media Channels

There are a ton of social media channels to plan your marketing for every type of business. If you are planning a B2B business, LinkedIn can be the best channel while Instagram & Pinterest works the best for e-commerce businesses. 

Facebook and Twitter could work for both the business types with their wider range of audience and in turn their robust advertising as well. 


To wrap up, as discussed, a well-defined marketing map could be a huge asset when you launch your business idea. 

Are you ready with your next big business and marketing idea? Sign up for an account with MarketPlan today and start planning.

It is completely free, so you can see how well it works for your business. 

Feature Post Feature Tip

The Ultimate Guide to Funnel Mapping for Building Your Sales Funnel

As a digital marketer, it’s advisable to populate each sales funnel stage with consistent, quality content. It gives you a great shot at zeroing in on users and their precise needs at each stage of the buying process.

While the sales funnel is very important, it has also seen its fair share of change over time. In truth, it’s less like a funnel than it is a maze. The complexity notwithstanding, we’ll show how to map your funnel to build your sales funnel.

The sales process consists of several stages. One is preparing cold prospects to adopt the idea of spending money on your products or services. The other involves getting them ready for future purchases, which can prove to be a challenge in the modern business climate of intense competition and nearly non-existent trust.

It can be frustrating to craft an offer that’s truly valuable but fails to gain any traction with customers. And on top of that, spending money on marketing and advertising only serves to worsen the impact of a failed campaign. That’s why a complete sales funnels can make all the difference.

What Does a “Sales Funnel” Mean?

The simplest definition for a sales funnel is that it’s a marketing strategy for turning cold prospects into long-term customers by putting them through a process involving several stages.

The funnel analogy refers to your starting with a relatively large audience of prospective buyers and trimming that down to a focused group of high-value customers with focused targeting.

A sales funnel does not merely aim to make a sale. It has a goal to transform the ordinary prospect into a returning customer with lifetime value.

As you take a granular, stepwise approach to the buyer’s journey, you’re able to become more accurate about how you present offers and when you present them.

If you own a small business, you’ll likely begin with a product or two. Larger B2B companies would likely have multiple offers enabling lead generation and creating new leads via the sales pipeline, sales team, or sales cycle.

Let’s say you order a product – any product. The company may request if you’d like a particular add-on along with your product. The goal of the offer is to maximize the size of your purchase. It’ll also help to drive subsequent purchases.

Most definitions ascribe three parts to a funnel:

  • ToFu (Top of the funnel), which refers to the target audience
  • MoFu (Middle of the funnel), which refers to highly probable or potential customers
  • BoFu (Bottom of the funnel), which captures new and existing customers

Funneling also happens without having planned sales funnel stages in place. But, the results are not predictable or optimizable. In growing any business online, a templated approach ensures that you can creatively and quantifiably grow your customer numbers.

The hallmark of an effective sales funnel is engagement with your prospects and offering them increasing value in every stage. Complexity aside, sales funnels work when we respect some cardinal rules.

Eighty-seven percent of consumers prefer to do business with suppliers who offer valuable content at every buying stage. More than half of consumers would rather hear your value proposition three to five times to forge the trust that precedes the buying process. And nurturing your leads can net you 47 percent more purchases than if you don’t.

What Does “Funnel Mapping” Do?

Understanding the lead generation capabilities that drive marketing funnels can be challenging. Yet, it’s more challenging to determine what the funnel should look like. More and more marketers are relying on funnel mapping software to ease the process. Many of these solutions enable you to thoroughly visualize your funnel before investing excessive time and money in developing it.

The primary purpose of funnel mapping is to provide a map for your leads. However, you need to help them get to a particular location on the map where they’ll find the funnel’s true value.

A funnel map needs to clarify the entire sales process in detail. The level of detail needs to be just right for your needs. These are eight elements of the sales funnel that you need to plot on the funnel map:

Source of Traffic
How would you ensure that people get into your funnel?

Website Content
Would you send them a blog post?

Effective Landing Page
Your prospect should opt in to your offer. How would you help them do this?

Valuable Offer
Can you make a compelling offer that can help you get your visitor’s contact information?

Thank You Page
How will you take them further down the funnel with the Thank You page?

Confirmation Email
Will you provide even more detail that maximizes the value you offer the lead.

Follow-up Email
You need to follow up so you can steer the lead as they progress through the buyer’s journey.

How will you use messaging to continue to guide the lead through the sales process?

Working with funnel-mapping software helps to make your sales process more effective and enhance your ROI. It makes the process more manageable.

If you find yourself pondering how to begin a new campaign, you’ll find funnel mapping highly valuable. There are many things to take note of that to make it seem tedious. However, funnel-mapping software organizes things into manageable parts.

How to Map Your Sales Funnel

Let’s begin a walkthrough for mapping your sales funnel.

1. Sketch out your funnel

Understanding what your sales funnel looks like is key to taking about where your users, teams, and tone of voice fit into the sales funnel.

When users first encounter your brand, it’s often through the top of your funnel. It may be a blog, infographic, social media, or video. It may also be customer referrals, events, or reviews.

The middle of your funnel happens when your buyers have provided their contact information. They’ve also indicated an interest in your product or service. This part of the funnel features blog posts, e-books, email marketing, and other content that further educate your prospective customers and remind them that you exist.

Now, you’ll have some interaction with your users before they buy from your brand. It forms the bottom of the funnel. It contains your fully qualified leads. The content here is highly personal, and your sales team controls it. Prospects here have specific emails, phone conversations, and other content.

There’s also the post-sale part of your funnel. It’s imperative even though many companies fail to realize this and apply minimal effort in this stage. The post-sale segment offers many opportunities to create future sales, positive reviews, testimonials, and brand advocates.

So, its a smart idea to include the post-sale in your funnel mapping. Post-sale content will typically feature more content marketing that addresses your audience’s specific needs, follow-up emails from customer service or account managers, and content requesting poll or survey feedback.

2. Dive into each aspect of the funnel

Now you’re clear on the path your user is travelling to encounter your brand, interact with it, buy from you, and refer you. It would help if you started being strategic about every stage in the sales funnel. We recommend some questions to help you understand and create content for each stage of the funnel.

The questions include:

  • What are the goals of your brand for this stage of the funnel?
  • Who is the target audience for this stage’s content?
  • At this stage of the funnel, what are the user’s goals?
  • What type of content is relevant for the goals for this stage, the audience, and the prevailing mindset?

It’s essential to know where each content type belongs, the appropriate tone, and where content should lead. But, this is a lot easier if you’ve penciled out the stages for your sales funnel, your audience, your goals, and user mindsets.

3. Use as many funnels as you have audiences

Content marketing strategies should be highly specific, taking user needs and business goals into account. Your company may use a straightforward funnel with clear top, middle, bottom, and post-sale stages. Another brand may develop multiple sales funnels that cater to the needs of different users.

Let’s say you’re coming up with content for a services company. You’ll address the need to create content for all departments, staff tiers, current clients, and prospects. All these audiences have unique needs, and the business will have different needs, and the business will have different goals for each one. As a result, there are likely to be several sales funnels your funnel-mapping software needs to account for, and each might have a slightly different appearance.

The Mapping Stage

Now that you understand your sales funnel, the next step is to map your team to each stage and refine your process. This information is important to improve your service to the user and meet your business goals.

Illustrating the process

Let’s now illustrate a typical sales funnel development phase. You can use any funnel-mapping software of your choice. There are three zones of note when creating a sales funnel plan or actually building the funnel:

The Freebie Zone: this includes your freebie, the sign-up page, thank you page, and welcome email.

The Offer Zone: this comprises your email marketing, sales page, and purchase journey.

The Traffic Zone: this covers your traffic and promotion plan. It includes earned traffic, paid traffic, shared traffic, and owned traffic.

The first step in the process is to be clear about your paid offer. However, the offer must address crucial customer pain points. These might be through:

  • Providing accurate information
  • Ensuring the financial productivity of the prospect by using their time efficiently in exchange for money
  • Making channels easily navigable when prospects need to solve a problem
  • Offering essential support to prospects throughout the customer journey

As the customer becomes aware of the pain point they wish to resolve, they will explore options relative to other customers’ experiences and recommendations.

Then, you need to pinpoint the various personas’ different problems while showing up with the content necessary to engage them. To do this, you can consider existing customers and observe their target problems.

Now knowing the prospects’ pain points, it’s time to create content that shows up as customers carry out independent research. That’s precisely why SEO matters: it helps people locate the content they want to read.

Keyword lists are essential in creating relevant content. As many top-of-funnel keywords as possible should be part of your keyword lists.

You need to create content now using SEO. High-ranking keywords are crucial for goals. Your primary aim is to educate the customer, so SEO will help them discover the content. Titles, headlines, meta descriptions, and video transcripts are essential for this step.

Social media also requires content. Posts, videos, and infographics are a natural fit for this aspect. They also help prospects to discover content.

Customers are usually looking for case studies or content from real users. It provides a better perspective of how others solved similar problems. It’s good practice to capture numbers and examples to help make their claims concrete. In the same way, you can reveal your latest innovations and developments, so the customer understands that they’re getting the best possible product available. These are opportunities to provide them the latest information around their pain point by sharing information updates when they register for email updates.

The rest of the process guides the customer through the product purchase and gets them to provide reviews. These may be testimonial videos or social media reviews. How about engaging prospective buyers using webinars and podcasts? The possibilities are endless.

After purchase, the funnel-mapping software should also track usage and continue engagement and marketing via email. That’s where customized content is most relevant, considering there’s been prior contact with the customer. At this point, your company can prime them for a repurchase and get them involved as brand ambassadors and advocates.


The funnel-mapping process is as easy as mapping out your entire prospect experience within the individual stages of your sales funnel. The right funnel-mapping software can help you capture this in a visually comprehensive way. It’s one way you can gain the advantage over your competition.

Sign up and try MarketPlan today to start mapping and tracking all your sales funnels to improve on your revenue and ROI.

Comparisons Feature Post

MarketPlan vs GERU: Why MarketPlan is the Best GERU Alternative

It takes a lot of planning, analysis, and continuous fine-tuning to put together a successful sales funnel that converts well and gives a positive ROI.

The first part of the process to creating a funnel that succeeds is to plan out the funnel. However, it could get quite complex as the idea on your mind might consist of a combination of marketing strategies and campaigns.

One of the best ways to organize this process is by mapping your funnels out visually on a canvas. This is where Funnel Mapping Tools come in to play. They offer a blank medium where you can sketch out all your ideas to map out your funnel and rule out any friction in the process.

While there are a few funnel mapping tools to choose from in the market, MarketPlan and GERU are two of the well known and prominent ones.

Both GERU and MarketPlan are good funnel mapping tools, but MarketPlan is designed with more than mapping in mind. MarketPlan consists of funnel mapping but also complete funnel tracking and live analytics, project management, team collaboration & chat, kanban boards, blog planner, email sequence planner, and a lot more.

So the comparison between them has to take into consideration that they are built with different scopes of purpose.

Funnel Tracking

Planning and Mapping a sales or marketing funnel is just the beginning of a complex journey. In order to make it a successful campaign, it is imperative to continuously analyze and optimize the funnel based on the numbers. This where tracking of the funnel once it is live plays a huge role.

GERU offers the ability to project map the funnels and run projections based on the numbers you enter manually, but you cannot track the funnels with the live data. MarketPlan lets you track every part of the funnel and get live campaign data that can assist you in continuous tweaking to get your desired ROI.

Live Analytics with KPI’s

You can track all the key metrics in MarketPlan, by just switching a toggle on, you can activate the live mode which gives you real-time analytics of your complete funnel.

This lets you keep a track of all your KPI’s in a single dashboard and helps immensely in optimizing your funnel. As funnel tracking is not available in GERU, you might need additional tools outside of GERU to accomplish this.

Team Collaboration with Chat

Marketing is a team effort and it needs effective collaboration of ideas and execution to get it right. In MarketPlan, you can collaborate with your marketing team members right within the tool with integrated live chat and image and video collaboration which makes it extremely useful for effective planning.

This allows you to keep everyone concentrated without the need to juggle multiple tools for planning and collaboration.

Team members can comment and see the progress in real-time to keep tabs on all the marketing activities. They can also know the tasks that are assigned to each of them and hence removes any confusion within the team.

You can use the built-in live chat either as a pop up when building the funnel map and marketing plan or use it in full screen for an uncluttered collaboration experience.

It is also possible to have complete control over what you want to share with your team members by setting up special permissions.

GERU is useful as a collaboration app as everyone can see the same canvas and understand the plan from a mapping perspective, as well as exporting reports to clients or other team members, but does not include the several MarketPlan features listed above.

White-labeling for agencies

If you run any type of marketing agency, branding is quite an important part of standing out from the competition.

GERU gives users the capability to create branded reports to share with clients or other team members.

MarketPlan allows you completely white-label the domain and have the entire platform under your brand name, logo, and colors.

It is also possible to completely customize the login page to give a full branded experience to your clients.

Blog Planner & Email Sequence Planner

In Addition to planning your ads and funnels, you can also write and plan your whole blog posts and email sequences in MarketPlan, as well as create, and even automatically associate the UTM’s necessary to track your campaigns.

This is especially useful for content marketing teams and agencies as the team collaboration feature with blog planning makes it an optimized workspace to build all your content marketing ideas.

The blog editor can also hold rich images and HTML content so that you can have all your content in one place.

GERU offers representations of the different elements in your marketing campaigns, which helps with the mapping and simulation of your funnels.

Kanban Boards:

MarketPlan has a dynamic Kanban board built-in right within it.

It comes with 4 lists by default, but you can easily add more based on the number of projects you want to manage across your team. To-do cards can be added to each of the lists and be moved across the planned, in-process, completed list, etc.

To streamline the workflow even better, each team member can visualize the tasks that are specifically assigned to each of them and contextually locate their tasks inside of MarketPlan by clicking on their associated card.

GERU does not offer a Kanban feature, and would require outside software to accomplish this, as the scope of what GERU aims to accomplish is different that MarketPlan.

ChatBot Sequence & Keyword Planner Module

This is another feature of MarketPlan that is not included in GERU.

With the built-in planner for chatbot sequence and keywords, you can write your whole chatbot scripts and do all the keyword planning for your blog posts within MarketPlan.

This is useful for chatbot or content marketing agencies to have their whole team aligning the workflow in a single tool to increase productivity and efficiency.


MarketPlan’s pricing starts from $9 per month while GERU’s plans start from $37 per month. MarketPlan also offers a free plan as well.

The free plan gives access to 1 user, 1 plan, and all the marketing tools to start with funnel mapping. GERU does not include a free plan or trial option and you have to purchase a plan to start using the tool.


To wrap up, as we have explained in detail, MarketPlan offers a lot more to your business as a marketing tool compared to GERU.

The below table will give a good overview of how all the features compare between MarketPaln & GERU and it will give you a fairly good idea of which is the better option for you.

With all of the information presented on each platform, we believe that MarketPlan is the best alternative to GERU in terms of what each platform offers from mapping to team collaboration, to projections, to live analytics.

If you’d like to sign up for MarketPlan today and see how it can help you plan your sales funnels and overall marketing, click this link here and check out all that MarketPlan can offer for your agency or business.

Feature Post Marketing Tips

Our 3 Step Guide on How to Plan Your Marketing Budget

Anything from email newsletters to PPC campaigns will need a place in your marketing budget. As a marketing head, you need to ensure that your allocation for different expenses will match your campaign goals. After all, a successful marketing campaign is part of the core of what makes a thriving business. Before you can eat of the fruit of your team’s success, you need to know how to make a strategic marketing budget that answers your company’s brand recognition goals.

Breaking down your marketing budget

Setting your marketing budget will help you stay on track with your team’s limitations, including paying for the production of marketing collaterals and other logistical expenses. It also enables you to project long-term strategies and initiatives with the cost of these attempts in mind. This allows you to know the difference between extravagant and sustainable campaigns with a higher ROI.

Depending on your company’s size, industry, and revenue projections, your marketing budget will vary for every campaign. Additionally, you can expect your expected cost ceilings to increase during different times of the year. Generally, CMOs report that marketing efforts cost around 8% to 16% of your business’s total revenue.

If you want to plan an airtight marketing budget, we will share a three-step guide to help you break down what you need to prepare for your company’s next budget proposal meeting.

Step #1: Calculating your marketing budget

There’s no universal format when it comes to managing your marketing budget. However, there are methods that marketing teams use as a template when goal setting and negotiating for their allotment for financials. Here are four common budgeting methods that can help you visualize your future marketing expenses:

1. Percent of revenue model: The simplest method is calculating a fixed percent of your company budget to your marketing team. The percent of revenue model prevents overspending and reduces the need for substantial research for budget forecasting. However, the problem now comes with how much budget you should allot.

Thankfully, there’s a general margin you can follow to estimate for your budget allocation. Businesses between 1-5 years of operation should use 12%-20% of revenue for marketing expenses. In contrast, companies operating beyond 5 years should cut down on their marketing considerably to 6%-12% since you should already have a higher customer base for organic marketing.

2. Project budget model: Your company can treat marketing campaigns as an individual project under its financials. If you have several campaigns in mind, you may need to break them down and determine your department’s final budget.

This method will work best for marketing teams that have an idea of their project’s specifics for the year. By working with tangible numbers, it’s easier to forecast expenses per fiscal quarter. However, you shouldn’t limit your projects solely on these figures. It can be dangerous to have a tunnel vision on a budget and not on your operational upkeep.

Remember that employee advancement budgets, office equipment, marketing software, venue reservations, and outsourcing creatives can balloon beyond your budget if you don’t account for them. Before submitting your project proposals, make sure that you consider these factors and remember to add an allowance for additional expenses.

3. Top-down model: Some businesses appoint finance officers in senior management to hand down the amount through a top-down budget approach. This can be limiting for marketing managers, especially since they don’t have control over the campaign budget. Instead of waiting for your senior officers, you can be proactive by submitting a mock marketing budget for your team’s needs.

Creating a comprehensive presentation of your campaign’s benefits, ROI, requests, and projected results will help your chances of getting approval from your senior officers. Doing so will highlight your initiative as a team leader and give you a higher chance of getting a green light on your projected expenses.

Many businesses use a funnel mapping tool to help their team keep track of their projected expenses. However, it’s important to note that these models should only work as a guide for your actual budget allocation. Learn when to adjust your actual budget from your previous projections when necessary.

Step #2: List out your different marketing functions and other expenses

Allocating your budget will depend on your key marketing functions. The larger the department you have, the more divisions you may need to appoint. Before you start prioritizing which team should have a larger cut over the other, you should first list out what you need to account for.

Branding and design, PR, and market research are the three core marketing functions that are important invest in. However, with more people moving online with their businesses, you may need to expand your marketing efforts. Digital marketing expenses can break down into different sectors, from content marketing to social media marketing. Additionally, you shouldn’t forget to include SEO in all your posts.

Besides these long-term functions, you should also consider if you will need to pay for your brand’s one-time expenses. You may need to allot some of your budget for logistical and design costs if you plan to have product launches and website redesigns.

Step #3: Allocate your funds to high ROI marketing channels

Spending money to make money is the core principle of marketing. As your brand’s recognition expands, higher sales figures should logically follow. However, not all businesses will receive the same amount of success in their marketing efforts. This is because their ROI doesn’t offer a positive net worth of revenue.

A growing business can use an attribution model to set the criteria for which marketing efforts generate the best leads. This is important for marketers to know if campaigns are effective. If you don’t have enough market research available, you should try emulating successful businesses in the same industry. Learn from your competitors’ marketing developments and try to avoid their mistakes.

You can start with a general allocation for as many marketing channels as possible. Although it can be tempting to put all your budget on one campaign strategy, it will be a substantial financial risk. Also, it results in fewer data to interpret for revising your future campaigns.

Through recommendations and input from customers and team collaborators, you can refine and adjust your budgeting to prioritize the channels and networks with the highest ROI. Simultaneously, you can reduce the financing or cancel altogether the sales funnel entryways that don’t offer a substantial growth to your customer conversion rates.


It’s your responsibility as a marketing team head to know the ins and outs of your company’s marketing plans. This includes your understanding of how budgeting can help you deliver the best results for your business’s success. With the help of reliable teammates and the right marketing budgeting software, your marketing campaign’s success is only a stone’s throw away.

The best way to ensure your marketing campaign’s efficiency and precision is to use the latest digital tools available. We provide comprehensive marketing collaboration tools to help your team execute a successful marketing campaign.

Sign up for the free plan today and see how our marketing plan software can lead your business to success!